Tuesday, 8 May 2012

My tips for a successful round of 12wbt

This is long...................
Do the preseason tasks. I always remember this piece of advice during preseason and I kept thing well ok but I don’t really see how it will make a difference..IT WILL. The biggest thing for me in the preseason tasks was getting to the bottom of my excuses, it’s amazing when you actually sit and think about it and I actually found it quite emotional. Excuses I’d been using for years and I had never realised they were excuses.

Michelle Bridges knows better than you, I know this is hard to believe but she really does, listen to her, do what she says. As your about to put that krispy kreme donut in your mouth, ask yourself...”What would Mish say”

Everyone has blowouts...Get over it. Don’t blow it out to a day or a week. “I’ll start again tomorrow” No don’t ...start again right now. Own your blowout and move on. It’s actually quite powerful

Get on the forums, find a local support group. Surround yourself with supportive people, this is such a huge influence and will a defining factor in your success.

Some kitchen tips

This may sound gross but I’ve been doing it for years and I think it’s a brilliant idea; Rinse your mince....ewwww I hear you say. Now I can’t always afford to buy premium, no fat mince, so what I do is brown it off to get all the fat out and then I rinse it in hot water to wash all that nasty fat away, clean your pan with some paper towel and off you go. It’s definitely not as ewww as it might sound.

Measure EVERYTHING! I measured every single little thing, to give you an idea of how bad I am, The banana bread on Mish’s menu, I would weigh the bowl, put all the ingredients in then weigh it again, then I would divide by the serve amount and I would measure up each serve exactly.
When I cut meat, for a stir fry I would count how many pieces I had so I could divide it correctly. Same with veg, I’d count how many beans I have and divide them up exactly evenly. I know it’s so anal, but hey....I’ve lost 20kg so far, so I must be doing something right. Even my hubby would giggle at me every night as I served up dinner.

Cup of water in the sink, doesn’t sound like much, but every utensil you use goes straight into that cup of water...no temptation to lick it then

Speaking of banana bread, make up a batch (make sure it’s Mish’s banana bread). Make it into muffins and freeze them. Perfect if you are running out the door and haven’t had breakfast, perfect for a snack if you are down on calories for the day. I always have the banana bread and low cal brownies frozen in my house. That way when someone pop’s over for a cuppa I have banana bread and brownies ready to go and I am not ruining all my hard work.

Be organised. Every week I would print out the menu plan and shopping list and recipes. I found the weeks I didn’t print out the menu plan (even though I followed it) my week just didn’t flow.

Don’t go out without a Mish approved snack. I don’t leave the house without 3 things, an apple, a museli bar and a pack of sultana’s. That way if I’m delayed, I always have something to eat and I won’t resort to buying something I’ll regret.

Take your bikini before shots, you may not want to. I know I didn’t, but you don’t have to show anyone and comparing your after pic is fun. Take a clothed one too so you can show people how well you’ve done.

Forget about the competition part! This was a big learning curve for me; around week 4 everyone seemed (I know everyone didn’t) to get a top 5% email. I didn’t and around the same time I had to sit myself down and ask myself if I was here to participate in a competition or was I here to lose weight? [LIGHT BULB MOMENT] I’m not here to win a competition, I’m here to lose weight, don’t make it about the competition, cause if you don’t win anything you’ll be disappointed and it’s not about that.

Don’t compare yourself to other people.....OK easier said than done right? Right! I’ve done well, but I still compare myself to other people who have done better. I think it’s human nature to compare yourself, but the cold hard truth is; There will always be someone who loses weight faster than me, there will always be someone fitter than me. All I need to do is be true to myself and do the best that I possibly can.

These are just a few things that have helped me over the past 12 weeks and I'm sure I'll think of many more now that I've actually posted this.
Hope everyone has a successful pre-season and a ripper of a round 2


My 12wbt Round 1 2012 - Wrap up

At the beginning of this year I weighed 111.4kg....and now I don't, thanks to Michelle Bridges and her 12wbt.

I still can't believe how successful this program has been for me, I'm in denial I think...was I really that big?? Have I really lost over 20kg?? Yes...Yes I have.

So lets see Pre season for round 1 began on 15th Jan 2012 (if memory serves me correctly); this was the day I started calorie counting and by the time round 1 officially began on the 12th Feb 2012 I'd lost 7kg.

As the round started I was quite impressed with myself that I was still going with such enthusiasm, I started exercising 6 days a week as we were told to do, I stuck to my calories, as we were told to do. I found a love for running. Sadly by week 4 I'd hurt my foot and ended up in a boot with a stress fracture. But it didn't stop me; well it kinda did. I was so busy feeling sorry for myself I stopped exercising, but I still ate clean, and it still worked, I was still losing weight, it's all about the clean eating. So as round 1 came to a close....Here's what I lost officially  13.6kg, that's 13.03% of my body weight, I was particularly thrilled with a top 8% email. I also lost 69.5cm off my body....that's massive, I still do a double take at that figure.

Pre season start 111.4 bmi 38.10 (ouch)
Round 1 start    104.4 bmi 35.70 (still obese)
Round 1 finish   90.8   bmi 31.10 (still obese - but so close to overweight)

That's what I lost...But I gained too..
I gained a smile again
I gained some wonderful friends
I gained the ability to walk into shops I haven't been able to enter in nearly a decade.
I feel like I've gained my life back and my children have a mum now who will set a good example for them.

I am still a work in progress, Another 20kg to go until I reach my goal....and for the first time in my life I actually feel like I will achieve it.


Monday, 7 May 2012

Blogger Challenge - Week 12 Celebration

Woohoo we made it...what a fun 12 weeks it's been and there is certainly a lot less of me than what there used to be. So the last week of our blogger challenge, thanks toWhirlsie

What am I doing to celebrate round 1 coming to a close. Well my reward is Melbourne. I'm packing up all of my family and we're heading to Melbourne for a group workout and a celebration.

I'm really looking forward to it. 3 days in a car with all my boys. I'm looking forward to meeting people I've only met online and most of all I'm looking forward to enjoying a well deserved holiday with my family.

I couldn't think of a better reward for weight loss